Students talking in the Academic centre at Oak Hill

About Oak Hill

Since 1932 Oak Hill has been training people for gospel ministry. It was founded initially for men struggling to access the training needed for ministry in the Church of England. Now opportunities have widened to many men and women from different traditions from across the country and the world. Find out more in these pages about who we are, what we believe and how we work.


Learn more about Oak Hill policies and procedures.

Our policies


Read reviews and reports of Oak Hill College by external agencies.

Read reports and reviews


Oak Hill College is committed to the safeguarding of everyone.

Safeguarding practices

Rev Tom Brown - Curate, St Thomas’ Church, Kilnhurst & former student

Oak Hill has a vital place in training gospel ministers and holding out the only hope of salvation to a very lost world.”

Revd Tom Brown

Curate, St Thomas’ Church, Kilnhurst & former student